
Scan for Safety will improve patient safety via its capability to enable rapid traceability. Whilst it is very rare for there to be any issues with medical devices, the electronic record enabled via Scan for Safety data capture, will mean that patients whose procedures have been underpinned by Scan for Safety, can be traced in minutes and hours. 

This will help NHSScotland trace any patients who could be impacted by a product issue, and contact them in a timely way to discuss the issue and offer appropriate care and guidance.


Scan for Safety is available in a small selection of boards currently, but will be rolling out to more boards, and more departments, over the next few years.

The following boards, and departments are where Scan for Safety is currently being implemented in NHSScotland:

  • NHS Lothian – Interventional Radiology
  • NHS Golden Jubilee – Cardiac, Opthamology, & Orthopaedics